An AI quadcopter has beaten human champions at drone racing

An AI quadcopter has beaten human champions at drone racing August 30, 2023 Authored: Geoff Brumfiel Published: NPR Summary: A small quadcopter drone powered by artificial intelligence (AI) has outflown human competitors in races. Developed in Switzerland, the drone used a combination of supervised learning, conventional programming, and reinforcement learning to master racing courses. While […]

A new AI chatbot might do your homework for you. But it’s still not an A+ student.

Emma Bowman
– National Public Radio

The article discusses the potential impact of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot, on academia. While it has amazed users with its abilities to solve problems and generate content, concerns have been raised about its potential for academic fraud and dissemination of incorrect or biased information. Users are warned about its limitations, and experts view its public debut as an opportunity for peer review and understanding the challenges associated with AI language tools.