Panel Discussion – From Script to Screen: The Partnership Between Hollywood and the DoD
Throughout its history, Hollywood has partnered with the U.S. military to obtain—at little or no cost—personnel, equipment, and locations for movies filled with adventure, romance, and drama. In turn, the U.S. military has obtained—at little or no cost—a positive public image that has boosted both its recruiting efforts and its relations with Congress. Sounds like a win-win. However, history doesn’t often happen in three tidy acts, and the real story isn’t always the one that makes for a box office hit. Sharing their own experiences, panelists break down this often complicated but mutually beneficial relationship. They will discuss the criteria that must be met to gain DoD support for a production and how it is often necessary to forgo help from the Pentagon when its demands call for too much compromise on creativity.
Moderator: Dr. Shaun Baker, Assistant Director, Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership, U.S. Naval Academy.David Ayer, American Film Director, Producer, and Screenwriter.RADM Dennis Moynihan, USN (Ret.), former U.S. Navy Chief of Information, CHINFO.Lt Col Glen F. Roberts, USAF (Ret.), Branch Chief, Entertainment Media, Department of Defense; former Director, Air Force Entertainment Liaison Office, Los Angeles, CA.
Panel Discussion here: